
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Ready set Blog

I have had a few posts I have put together in draft, but I seemingly always forget to come back and finish.

Last Friday I took faith in my coach and went and saw a Chiropractor, Dr. Weatherwax about my lower back, hip, calf pain. Lets just say he is awesome! He was not just a chiropractor, he is a triathlete who thinks like a Athletic Trainer. In short my right glute is weak, and he said it has probably been week for so long that is why I have had my knee problems and severe hip pain for so long. Interesting right! No xray, MRI or other fancy diagnostic besides talking to me, making me stand on each leg, and "feeling" up my muscles. We followed up the appointment with stim on my lower back and glute, stim on my guad and hamstring, laying on the water table and massage of my legs. I have another appointment this week for more therapy, but I have to talk to him about at home strengthening and maybe only going 1x a month. My insurance does not cover chiropractors, and $50 a pop is just crazy!

I had planned on my 2nd strength training day to be Thursday as usual, but ended up heading into work early so I could leave for an appointment at the florist (yay wedding centerpieces). I figured I had softball that night, and I would put off lifting. Softball ended up being cancelled, so it became a rest day. So after getting home from my appointment with Dr. Weatherwax I walked over to Publix for pizza dough. My leg was bothering me a lot, dashing my plan to take the pups for a walk, so instead I hopped on the elliptical planning to do 20 minutues. The first 20 felt great, so I extended for another 20 followed by a soak in the jacuzzi tub (best investment ever) with the latest Runners World.

Saturdays run started off great. Robb and the Doc wanted me to walk/run, which had me discouraged after finally getting off intervals and running 4 miles. Granted it is a slower 4, but I do not feel like dying at the end. Alexis and I set out and I tackled the first 2 with little/no pain. My garmin died so I don't have my pace or information, but I think we were around 10:45. My challenge is I want to run with her, but I end up running slower, with a heart rate of about 165. We hit the refuel station and stopped for some water. When I started back it my calf was like "hello did you forget about me!?". Alexis dropped off a little into it, due to stomach issues, and I kept trucking. At what I can guess was a little less than halfway in, I decided to walk. I was pushing hard, and my leg was starting to hurt. The remainder of my run was spent alternating. I hate walking, but I did not end feeling like I couldn't walk. Robb even mentioned it didn't look like I was favoring my leg for the first time.

I followed the run with an everything bagel, veggie cream cheese and oj at Panera. I debated grabbing my foam roller out of the car and using it right there, but decided to wait.

The rest of the day was spent 1) organizing files in my office 2) picking up 124 chargers from a girl for the wedding 3) lunch at Mimi's and vegging with the fiance.

Todays workout was much less intense but good. Ironically Women's Health that came yesterday has "10 moves for your butt". I decided to do a mix of that and my Biggest Loser lifting plan in our workout room. Eventually I will take a picture of our setup, I can't complain it is pretty nice when I don't feel like going to the gym.

Dinner was delicious! I made Ed sweet potato fries, but since we only had 1, I only ate 3. The rest of my consisted of a little NY Strip steak, salad, green beans and a glass of Huber table red wine from our winery trip last October.

Other eats today:
Breakfast- greek yogurt, but butter granola and a nectarine.
Lunch- leftover veggie pizza I made Friday night
Snack- chocolate almond butter out of the jar (yummy)
Post Workout snack- banana with Naturally Nutty Toffee Peanut Butter

Upcoming goals:
Bump up mileage to 5 miles next weekend
Register for Miracle Miles 5k (I know it will be slower then my last, but goal is NO intervals)
Stay on top of food/exercise log aka blog it
Cut out the junk/processed sugar

My weight has not gone down like I hoped/planned and I realize I like/crave chocolate and I eat it. Although this is not a weight centered blog, and I will not disgust myself by talking about my cellulite legs and need/want to drop at least 10 more pounds, I am truly wanting to get there. So there I said it, and I hope I will not say it again!

Mission tomorrow- take pictures of food and post in a more logical order. What can I say I am just learning.

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